Bulletin Board Policy
Community Bulletin Board
Oconto Falls Community Library provides bulletin board space to post information and announcements of interest to the community. Library related materials receive priority, but notices of community affairs will be posted as space permits. The library doesn’t endorse or accept responsibility for the representations or statements made in such materials.
All materials for posting must be submitted to the library director for approval. Permission will not be granted to post notices which do not clearly identify the individual, group, or agency involved, notices of religious services, or notices from political parties. Posters will be limited to 11×17 or smaller and will be dated.
Posters will be removed when event is over or a total of 2 weeks. Cultural events and programs which charge an admission fee and education courses which require tuition payment are not considered commercial. Events such as concerts and lectures which are held in churches are not religious services. Notices from political parties would be any material from organizations which nominate canidates for public office in an election.
All materials for posting must be submitted to the library director for approval. Permission will not be granted to post notices which do not clearly identify the individual, group, or agency involved, notices of religious services, or notices from political parties. Posters will be limited to 11×17 or smaller and will be dated.
Posters will be removed when event is over or a total of 2 weeks. Cultural events and programs which charge an admission fee and education courses which require tuition payment are not considered commercial. Events such as concerts and lectures which are held in churches are not religious services. Notices from political parties would be any material from organizations which nominate canidates for public office in an election.