Meeting Room Policy
Oconto Falls Community Library Meeting Room Policy (Revised June 2019)
- All meetings held in the library must be arranged in advance. A name and telephone number must be left in case of cancellation, etc. If a group decides to cancel a meeting, please notify library staff. Because of high demand for the Meeting Room, non-profit groups are limited to reserving the room to twice a month up to 3 months.
- A representative from the group must sign a copy of this policy acknowledging that the policy has been read and understood. This person would also be responsible for turning out the lights, checking restrooms, securing doors, and returning the key via the drop box.
- Refreshments may be served. Limited kitchen facilities, including a coffeepot, is available, and if used, must be cleaned and returned to the proper storage space. The coffeepot and soap are under the sink; towels are located in the top drawer.
- Each group will be responsible for setting up chairs, tables, etc. The room must be left in a clean, orderly condition. There is a vacuum cleaner in the storage room adjoining the meeting room. Please remove crumbs and debris from floors and wipe tables.
- Maximum seating is 55. Extra chairs can be found in the storage closet which is adjacent to the meeting room.
- Non-profit groups may use the room with no charge. Charges for profit making groups or individuals, such as sales, will be $20.00 for the first three hours and $20.00 over three hours to help defray the cost of utilities and supplies. Charges may be waived at the discretion of the library director. If someone wishes exclusive use of the room, it must be scheduled and paid for in advance. Users will be required to disclose the purpose of the meeting. There is no charge for non-profit organizations and the meeting is open and accessible to anyone. Meeting Room use is limited to two times a month up to 3 months in advance with the exception of Library programs.
- No smoking or alcoholic beverages are allowed at any time.
- The meeting room may be used when the library is closed; however, arrangement must be made to pick up the key and receive instructions on locking the door prior to the meeting. If a key is not picked up and staff are called to open or close the library, a charge of $10 will be made.
- The library is not responsible for any equipment, supplies, materials, clothing, or other items brought to the library by any group individual attending a meeting.
- No property of any organization may be stored in the meeting room or in adjoining storage room.
- The representative of the group who signs the policy form will be responsible for keeping order at the meeting, for any damage or breakage of library property and parking issues.
- The Library has limited parking. The Library asks that people using the Meeting Room to park on the street. Failure to comply will prevent future use of the meeting room.
- The Library Board and staff does not assume any liability for groups or individuals attending a meeting in the library.
- Library programming will have first priority in meeting room use.
- The fact that a group is allowed the use of the meeting room in no way constitutes an endorsement of the groups’ policies or beliefs.
- The Library Board reserves the right to deny the use of the meeting room if the above guidelines are not followed.